פרסומים בכנסים

Bayliss JPI, Vedamurthy IC, Bavelier DPI, Nahum ⁠MC, Levi DMPI. 2012. Lazy eye shooter: A novel game therapy for visual recovery in adult amblyopia. Games Innovation Conference (IGIC), 2012 IEEE International. DOI: 10.1109/IGIC.2012.6329836

Bayliss JPI, Vedamurthy IC, Nahum ⁠MC, Levi DMPI, Bavelier DPI. 2013. Lazy Eye Shooter: Making a Game Therapy for Visual Recovery in Adult Amblyopia Usable. 2nd International conference on design, user experience and usability: health, learning, playing, cultural and cross-cultural user experience. Part II.  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-39241-2_39

Biagianti BPI, Nahum MC, Schlosser DC, Woolley JC, Vinogradov SPI. 2016. CLIMB: A mobile platform to treat social cognition impairments and improve social functioning in psychosis. Early Intervention in Psychiatry 10(1): S75-S75.

Biagianti BPI, Schlosser DC, Nahum MC, Woolley JC, Vinogradov SPI. 2017. CLIMB: A mobile intervention to enhance social functioning in people with psychotic disorders: Results from a feasibility study. Schiz Bull 43(1): S210-S210.

Dabit S, Nahum M, Van Vleet T. 2013. Improving social cognition in healthy aging via computerized cognitive training. J Cog Neuro. S65-S65. 


Daikhin, L., Nahum, M., Ahissar, M. 2007. Fast switching from computation based to memory-based perception – evidence from ERP. Neural Plasticity 2007: 23.

Gambacorta C, Huang S, Vedamurthy I, Nahum M, Bayliss J, Bavelier D, Levi DM. 2014. Action Video Games as a Treatment of Amblyopia in Children: A Pilot Study of a novel, child-friendly action game. J Vis 14(10): 665-665. DOI:  10.1167/14.10.665

Gambacorta C, Nahum M, Focker J, Levi DM. 2013. Cross-modal preparatory attention is reduced in amblyopes: An ERP Study. J Vis 13(9):642-642. DOI: 10.1167/13.9.642

Gilboa Y, Nahum M, Ben Avraham R, Afek A. 2020. Does Computerized Cognitive Training Improve Mental Resilience and Quality of Life (QOL) of Israeli Soldiers in Combat Units? AJOT 74 7411515338p1.

Haut K, Lee A, Galindo B, Lokey S, Nahum M, Hooker CI. 2020. Altered Connectivity in Neural Networks Underlying Social Cognition in Individuals at Risk For Psychosis. Biol Psychiatry 87 (9), S250

Haut KS, Galindo BC, Lee AC, Lokey SC, Nahum MC, Hooker CPI. 2019. Changes in Emotion Processing Network following Social Cognitive Training in Individuals with Schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry 85(10): S274-S274. DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2019.03.695

Haut KS, Saxena AS, Yin HC, Carol EC, Dodell-Feder DS, Lincoln SHC, Tully LMS, Keshavan MC, Seidman LC, Nahum MC, Hooker CPI. 2017. Changes in Functional Networks Underlying Social Cognition Following Cognitive Training in Individuals at Risk for Psychosis. Schiz Bull 43 (Suppl 1): S111-S111. DOI: 10.1093/schbul/sbx021.297

Haut KS, Saxena AS, Yin HC, Dodell-Feder DS, Lincoln SHC, Keshavan MC, Seidman LC, Nahum MC, Hooker CPI. 2018. Functional network changes following cognitive training in individuals at risk for psychosis. Early Intervention in Psychiatry 12(1): 189-189.

Levi DM, Vedamurthy I, Nahum M, Huang S, Bayliss J, Bavelier D. 2014. A dichoptic action videogame improves the resolution of the amblyopic eye during binocular game play. J Vis 14(10):959-959. DOI: 10.1167/14.10.959

Maeir T, Hoba A, Nahum M, Makranz C, Peretz-Yablonsky T, Gilboa Y. 2020.  Combined Model of Remote Interventions for Adults With Cancer-Related Cognitive Impairment: Pilot Study. AJOT 74 7411515425p1.

Nahum M, Vedamurthy I, Bayliss JD, Bavelier D, Levi DM. 2013. Action video games as a tool for improving vision in individuals with ‘lazy eye’. J Cog Neuro. S232-S232.

Nahum, M., Levi, M., Ahissar, M. 2007. Limitations of stimulus anchoring mechanisms: evidence from behavioral and ERP data. Neural Plasticity 2007: 78.

Nahum, M., Nelken, I. & Ahissar, M. 2006. Hierarchies & reverse hierarchies in the auditory system: Evidence from binaural inefficiency. International conference on the Auditory Cortex: The listening brain: 89.

Nahum, M., Nelken, I. & Ahissar, M. 2006. Perceptual learning and the utilization of binaural information. Neural Plasticity 2007 (1): 72.

Nahum, M., Nelken, I. & Ahissar, M. 2006. When speech comprehension impedes listening accuracy: evidence from binaural inefficiency mechanisms.” Neural Plasticity 2007 (1): 72.

Nahum, M., Renvall, H., Hari, R. & Ahissar, M. 2002. "Dynamics of Cortical Responses to Tone Pairs in Relation to Task Difficulty: an MEG Study." Neural Plasticity 9(2): 102.

Nahum, M., Renvall, H., Hari, R. & Ahissar, M. 2003. Dynamics of Cortical Responses to Tone Pairs in Relation to Task Difficulty: an MEG Study. Proceedings of the International Conference on Auditory Cortex-Towards a Synthesis of Human and Animal Research: 80.

Nahum, M., Renvall, H., Hari, R. & Ahissar, M. 2003. Effort-related Changes in Responses to Tone Pairs: An MEG study. Neural Plasticity 10(3): 219.

Nahum, M., Rokem, A., Nelken, I. & Ahissar, M. 2004. Speech Intelligibility & Binaural Interactions: Effects of Stimulus Familiarity, Stimulus Similarity & Set Size. Neural Plasticity 12(1): 43.

Noah S, Bayliss J, Vedamurthy I, Nahum M, Bavelier D, Levi DM. 2014. Comparing dichoptic action video game play to patching in adults with amblyopia. J Vis 14(10): 691-691. DOI: 10.1167/14.10.691

Saxena AS, Guty ES, Dodell-Feder DS, Yin HC, Haut KC, Nahum MC, Hooker CPI. 2017. Changes in neural measures of emotion processes following targeted social cognition training. Schiz Bull. 43(1): S235-S235.

Sikich L, Balyyot K, Hazzard L, Alderman C, Bethea TC, Noyes N, Verdi M, George R, Nahum M, Johnson J, et al. 2012. A pilot study of neuroplasticity based cognitive remediation in adolescents with psychosis. Biol Psychiatry 73(9): 318S-319S.

Vinogradov S, Nahum M, Subramaniam K, Fisher M, Hooker C. 2014. Behavioral and neural system effects of computerized social cognitive training exercises in schizophrenia. Schiz Res. 153(1): S4-S4.

Vinogradov SPI, Fisher MC, Nahum MC. 2019. Social Cognitive Training Improves Measures of Reward Processing in Schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry 85(10): S61-S61. DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2019.03.161